JUDICIARY Latest Features

Masindi RCC Engage Public on Access to Justice During Partial Lockdown

As partof the resolutions at the last Regional Chain-linked Committee (RCC) meeting, aselect team from frontline Justice Institutions spent two hours on Wednesday(June afternoon at Radio Kings in Masindi, sensitizing the public on howmatters regarding access to justice in the High Court circuit.

The RCCofficials comprised the chairperson, Masindi Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Gadenya PaulWolimbwa, Assistant Registrar, HW Simon Kintu Zirintuusa, Regional Officer ODPP,Florence Akello, Magistrate Grade One, HW Irene Aber, the Masindi OC CID ASPJohnson Babiha and Arombo Linda for Justice for Children.

Theofficials discussed how the different JLOS institutions are administeringjustice during this partial lockdown. They equally shared how the public cansafely access services.

The bulkof the programme was dedicated to answering questions from the public. Theseincluded how to apply for bail, backlog in courts, and presence of judicialofficers in courts and handling of remands/prisoners.

Otherconcerns addressed were conditions of granting bond at police, the role of DPPin guiding investigations and advising police, completion of pending cases whena judicial officer is transferred and handling of cases of complainants whoreside in districts still under lockdown.

Thepublic was encouraged to always follow up their cases, not to fear courts andensure that they get assistance from the JLOS institutions.

The RCChas pledged to continue mass sensitization campaigns through different mediaplatforms as one of the measures to bridge the gap between the public and thedifferent JLOS institutions.

Posted 9th, July 2020
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